Privacy Policy
About RoleplayLives:
RoleplayLives is an online social networking service that allows our members to set up their own unique personal profiles that can be linked together through networks of friends. RoleplayLives members can view each others' profiles, share photos, post status updates, post journals and comments, and describe their interests.
Personal Information:
This site does not request personally identifiable information (PII) in order to become a member or use the site. RoleplayLives members can change their profile information at any time and can control how other members communicate with them. We own nothing that you post, all content is yours and yours alone. As addressed in our "Terms Of Use", we will not be held responsible for any copyright infringement made by any members. Any personal information posted is at the sole discretion of the user and is neither requested nor required by the site owner for any reason.
Information Used By Our Site:
The Information you submit to us upon signing up will remain confidential and will not be sold by us to any 3rd party sites. This information you submit to this website upon signing up is strictly used for personal communication by you and your friends. Admins can and will step in when needed to protect the site itself, however. Notifications such as newsletters and alerts are sent via email at your request. RoleplayLives is accessed by numerous users daily and is not the kind of environment to give out your phone number, address, or any other account or real life information.
Overseas Privacy:
This site is EU GDPR compliant. RoleplayLives does not collect or store personal data by the definition of the EU law, nor does it do business in the EU. RoleplayLives is a fully not-for-profit entity. Any donations made by EU members can be done so anonymously. Any personal data such as IP address collected on the site is not shared with anyone except where law requires authorities be contacted. RoleplayLives will, in compliance with the EU GDPR, fully delete the data of any member at that member's request within 72 hours.

Third Party Advertising:
We do not currently run Ads. However, for future reference if we decide to enable them- Ads appearing on this Web site may be delivered to users by RoleplayLives or one of our Web advertising partners. Our Web advertising partners may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your computer each time they send you an online advertisement.This information allows an ad network to deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This privacy statement covers the use of cookies by RoleplayLives but is not responsible for the cookies set by other websites.
This site is protected from attacks by Cloudflare. Data is streamed through a CDN and matched up to spam lists. Any accounts who are suspected of hacking/trolling/malware/DDOS attacking can and will have their information synced to the Cloudflare CDN servers in order to protect the RoleplayLives site. The current IP address of a user's login is used to deter spam, attacks, ensure site policy, and enforce bans on non-compliant users.
Modification to Agreement:
We claim the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. RoleplayLives is not affiliated with any other social networking site, nor any other site with the RoleplayLives name.