A social network is not cheap and easy to run. It requires a lot of time, energy, and yes, money. Upgrades to the script, add-ons, plugins, increased functionality, server upgrades due to traffic spikes... all of these things cost money because it changes the basic core of the main script itself. If you would like to donate to help keep the site running smoothly, or to enable upgrades and new features, every little bit is thoroughly appreciated! RoleplayLives prefers Paypal as that is how we pay the developers.
Here is our current monthly costs as of January, so people can see where the money goes.
Hosting- $204
Domain Services- $12
Support & Misc- $66
As of Jan 2024 we have $708 in the reserve account for features and upgrades.
Here is our current monthly costs as of January, so people can see where the money goes.
Hosting- $204
Domain Services- $12
Support & Misc- $66
As of Jan 2024 we have $708 in the reserve account for features and upgrades.
One Time Donation
Recurring Donations
As of Jan 2024, we can now offer Square Recurring Payments as an option. Please utilize THIS LINK to use Square instead of Paypal. We DO still prefer Paypal if at all possible, though.
If you'd like to donate but don't have a card or bank account you are willing to link, please contact Kalypso Skotos for a mailing address that can accept money orders, cashiers checks, or any other form of payment that is easiest for you. Every little bit counts towards making this site a great, functional place to be. Donations are non-refundable, as they are used to pay for the bills while a user is a member. If you do donate using ANY of these methods, please contact RPL with the email it was under and your primary account to be added to the donor site.